09-01-11 Day +100

This is Day 100…that magical milestone that I thought would mean I am at home!  But somebody’s got to be in the group over 100 days to make the average come out right!  I guess I am amongst the “lucky” ones!  I know several of you are wondering what is going on with me since I was supposed to go home last Friday and then when that didn’t work out, on Monday.  And I haven’t posted any information!  I just kind of felt over-loaded!  Here is the scoop:  The BK Virus has kicked my butt!  It is cruel, mean, brutal, and vicious!  And to make matters worse, since it is viral, there isn’t a whole lot you can do for it except to let it run it’s course (4 to 8 weeks).  There is only one drug that sometimes helps, Cidofovir.  Dr. Hosing started me on the Cidofovir yesterday.  It is a one hour infusion 3 times a week.  We should know pretty soon if it is working or not.  Meanwhile, I am on lots of drugs to manage the pain and symptoms.  I have graduated from a journal to keep track of my meds, to a dry erase board!  It is mind boggling to keep up with! The good news is that I came out of the week of chemo in good shape.  It has affected my appetite and lowered my blood counts somewhat, but I have only had to receive platelets.  Everything is good there. Yay!  My team is working so hard at trying to get me home!  They have been so supportive and kind.

Last weekend Wade and I tried a new place to eat downtown, and when we walked out the door there was the coolest little cream puff parked in front.  Since I have posted the Flower Power VW van and the Weiner Mobile, I decided to post this little 280 Z.  Notice the Michigan plates and The University of Oklahoma decal!